This is Thanksgiving week and it’s time to figure out where you’ll be spending the holiday. You could spend it with your ex who you share a child with. Especially if she can cook! Who cares if she doesn’t actually want you there? You’re there for your kid! Spend Thanksgiving with your baby! HEAD BACK […]

George Wallace tells the TJMS Crew that he’s “the most blessed person” they’ve ever met because he gets to “lie for a living.” He likes to believe that he’s the best liar in the world, but he’s having a hard time keeping up with Donald trump. Wallace tells nonstop jokes! He’s in Atlanta at the Uptown […]

Guy has more suggestions for Thanksgiving! If you’re hosting the meal at your house to avoid eating at other people’s houses that’s smart, but make sure you don’t let them bring anything. If someone insists on bringing something ask them to bring something store bought, like soda, a box of cookies, or ice! HEAD BACK […]

The runoff in Mississippi between Mike Espy and Cindy Hyde-Smith is Tuesday Nov. 27 and Roland Martin emphasizes the importance. Derrick Johnson, President/CEO of the NAACP, calls the runoff a “turnout game” meaning,  “whoever gets their people back to the polls wins.” There are typically 40% less voters who come out during runoff elections, but if […]

150,000 families were expecting to receive affordable housing in Queens, New York. But that project is off of the table now that Amazon decided to put it’s new hub there. The land that they’re building on was originally supposed to be an affordable housing complex. Chris Paul says he’s sure Amazon feels bad so they’ll […]

Mariah Carey posted photos of herself with Colin Kaepernick and her white fans are not happy. It’s almost like her fans forgot that she’s Black. Skip Murphy is in the big chair and he reminds them not only is she a Black woman, but he also reminds them who she was married to! HEAD BACK […]

Chante Moore’s Christmas album, Christmas Back To You is available now! It features some of the classics like Merry Christmas Baby, and some originals like Santa Don’t Sleigh. She says “Santa Don’t Sleigh like I do,” her style is unmatched! Moore says she really took her time with this album to capture the spirit of […]

Remember the feel good story about the homeless man who gave his last $20 to a lady for gas? It came out that not only did the woman and her boyfriend not give the man any of the money they raised through GoFundMe, but he was in on it too! Yep, the homeless man, the […]

Remember when Adele Givens was on the TJMS? Well lets go back to 2008 to recall the time she her baby took a personality test that predicted what career path would best suit him. Well, he got a taxidermist. Other kids got doctor and lawyer, but not hers! She’s not sure what a taxidermist was […]

This week has been so crazy there are so many people who could be named the Bama Of The Week! But, Melania Trump was the biggest Bama this week! Who in the world does she think she is to request someone be fired? If she fires anyone it needs to be her husband! HEAD BACK […]