The D.L. Hughley Show Ladies, waiting for a man to call can be so annoying! But, why must we be so weird while we wait? We like to do a play by play of the last date, figure out what we’re going to say when he does call, and check the reception a few times. Let’s all chill […] Autism rates among children are on the rise, and it’s rising faster among Black and Hispanic children. According to researchers, developmental disorders in kids born between 2007 and 2013 increased 73% among Hispanic kids and 44% among Black kids. But, it only rose 25% among white kids. It’s believed to be caused by environmental […] Over 50 years ago the state of Virginia ended its ban on interracial marriage. Now, they’re making even more steps that show that love knows no race. They’re ending race identifying questions in marriage license applications. Clerks are still told to ask about race but applicants don’t have to answer the questions. It’s no secret that alcohol isn’t the best thing for your body. But you may not know these ways that it negatively affects your health and looks. Heavy drinking can make your hair brittle since alcohol dehydrates you. Heavy drinking can also your eyesight and lead to poor vision over the course of time. Do you and your boo argue more than normal? Odds are you’re arguing for a common reason. Most couples argue over parenting styles, the in-laws, money and unmet expectations. Sometimes you may just be tired, or not communicating enough. So, listen to the sudio above and then try to figure out if one of […] A Virginia judge blocked the efforts to remove a statue of confederate general Robert E. Lee. The statue is the center of where the deadly Charlottesville attack took place. But the judge says that removing the statue would violate the state historic preservation law. In response residents filed a lawsuit saying the council vote […] Men love compliments just as much as women, but there are some adjectives that women may use that they hate. Even if you mean it in the nicest way possible…just don’t do it. Never call a man frugal, flamboyant, childish, soft, or lanky. Listen to the audio for the full list. New York’s governor issued an emergency ban on the sale of electronic cigarettes. Police and the Department of health have been tagged to work together to enforce this new rule. Retailers who sell electronic cigarettes to underage users can be fined. There will be additional legislature to ban the advertisement of e-cigarettes as well. Strip clubs have been making “fat ugly men feel sexy” for years, Oleebo says. And because of this he is pretty sure that there were some “fat ugly men” in this weeks movie, Hustlers. The film stars Jennifer Lopez and Cardi B and follows a group of very smart former strippers. He gives the […] The U.S. News and World Report has released their annual ranking of U.S Colleges and many find it controversial. The top 2 are Princeton and Harvard, again, while there is a three way tie for the third spot, Yale MIT and Columbia. The rest of the top 10 include Stanford and Duke.