
CHANHASSEN, MN – Surprise guest George Clinton kicked off the festivities at the first annual Celebration at Prince’s home and studio, Paisley Park. The Celebration promised to be a tribute to the iconic late musician at the studio where he lived, worked, and sadly, died, last year at the age of 57. The four-day event […]

  You have another story about financial disparities between rich and poor? I do, and this time it comes from the auto insurance industry. According to a recent study by ProPublica, a nonprofit investigative news agency, and Consumer Reports, there is evidence to suggest auto insurers charge more for auto insurance for those living in […]

4/11/17- Skip Murphy, Jacque Reid and Lavell Crawford start the morning with a little bit of Ship talk from the 2017 Fantastic Voyage. Listen below.

Girls need it. Boys need it. Whites, Blacks and Mexicans need it. Even thugs and Republicans need it. No matter who you are, we all need a good night’s sleep. But most of us don’t get it. Whether its hard to go to sleep, or you wake up a million times, or you get up […]


At some point during the parenting experience, a child is going to ask, “Is that a boy or a girl?” It’s a valid question for a young child. They’re realizing that the world is larger than their immediate surroundings and are starting to crave details. That’s a red car, the ball is round, the cookie […]

Black Women have an age old argument that black men prefer to date outside of their race as oppose to getting with a sista. So when black celebs like Tyrese, who publicly speaks about black love and black lives, marries a woman who doesn’t look what some would consider black enough, black women waste no […]


The music world lost another of its bright stars in Leon Ware last Thursday, but the songwriter has left behind one of the richest legacies in the industry. As a songwriter and producer, Ware was behind some of R&B’s biggest hits and lent his pen to many a musical legend. Ware was born on February […]


The shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin took place five years in Sanford, Fla., igniting a flurry of activism and discussion on race matters in America. The tragic shooting at the hands of volunteer night watchman George Zimmerman and his 2013 acquittal gave birth to the Black Lives Matter movement, along with a renewed focus […]


Sidney Poitier celebrated his 90th birthday last Monday, February 20th, making him the oldest-living winner of the Best Actor Oscar Award. Now retired from acting, Poitier has earned a number of honors and accolades over the course of his praise-worthy career. Born in 1927, Poitier’s farmer parents lived in the Bahamas but traveled to Miami […]