
The press and those who publish our media need to do some soul searching about what side they are on. 

Researchers are discovering new information about the earliest inhabitants of Ireland and some data suggests that the first settlers were Black people with blue eyes.

Supporting the work of abortion funds and reproductive justice organizations is paramount.

The May 3 primary election marks the beginning of a series of major races across the country. 

American leftist activist and former member of the radical organization Weather Underground, Kathy Boudin, died Sunday afternoon at her home In New York


Around 200 members of the Sons of Confederate Veterans gathered at Georgia's Stone Mountain Park to celebrate Confederate Memorial Day and were shouted down by more than 100 counterprotesters.


Tracey Kay McKee is a registered Republican in Arizona who has been vocal about the widespread voter fraud that cost Donald Trump his re-election. She was found guilty of using her dead mother's ballot to cast a vote and was sentenced to probation while Black women like Crystal Mason and Pam Moses got years in prison.

Reec Swiney, who is a Black man, is the founder of BlackYard Chickenz, a family company dedicated to teaching everything there is about raising healthy and happy chickens in an urban space.

Democrats are still rallying hard for esteemed economist Dr. Lisa Cook to be confirmed to the Federal Reserve Board of Governors.


The predominately Black communities of Powder Springs and Austell, Georgia, are facing the possibility of being represented by Marjorie Taylor Greene due to the Republican redistricting of Georgia's congressional map.