

An 83-year-old man received his doctorate degree from Louisiana State University on Friday.

The police charged two white men with hate crimes for harassing a Black woman in a Walmart parking lot.


A bank paid off $150,000 in student loan debt for a single mother from Chicago.


Spelman College received a $30 million gift for the creation of a new arts center.

An early Iowa Democratic Caucus poll placed Joe Biden far ahead of his possible rivals for the 2020 party nomination for president.

Columbus, Ohio police killed a teenager but charged his girlfriend with murder.

Follow Majic 94.5 On Twitter: Here we go again, another company apologizing over racist imagery. Prada pulled their Pradamalia line on Friday after one of the Pradamalia merchandise depicted a monkey-like figure with black face and large red lips. It was New York-based civil rights attorney, Chinyere Ezie who spotted the products at the Prada […]


LeBron James’ equality sneakers are headed to the National Museum of African American History and Culture.


The U.S. Army’s only all-Black all-women unit during WWII was honored with a monument.


Michelle Obama surprised a group of Black students from Wayne State University during her book tour stop in Detroit.