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Last night, Stormy Daniels broke the Internet when she revealed many details about her relationship with Donald Trump. In case you missed it, Daniels, who is an adult film star, was reportedly paid $130,000 — a week before the 2016 election — to stay silent about having had sex with the President. She is now suing Trump to tell every grimy detail of their hook up, which dates back to 2006, while Trump was married to Melania Trump, who had just given birth to their son on March 20, 2006. In a lawsuit filed with the California state court, Stormy claims President Donald Trump never signed the non-disclousre agreement (he went under the name David Dennison), therefore, the agreement is invalid. Now, risking possibly getting sued, she held nothing back to Anderson Cooper. Here is one extremely gross moment, saying she spanked Trump with his own magazine.

She also revealed that Trump said he and Melania didn’t have a real relationship and lived in separate bedrooms. This is no shocker, considering in Michael Wolff‘s book Fire & Fury, he wrote that the marriage is deeply dysfunctional and the two barely communicate. According to an excerpt from, “‘He and Melania spent relatively little time together. … Often she did not know where he was, or take much notice of that fact,’ Wolff writes, noting that Mrs. Trump also didn’t know about or show much interest in her husband’s business.” According to Wolff, everyone around Trump found their marriage “perplexing.”

Trump is clearly a dog. However, unlike other first ladies (from John F. Kennedy Jr. to Bill Clinton, presidents who have famously cheated on their wives), Melania Trump is no victim. She is an opportunist who has defended a racist.

Trump’s racism has been well-documented over the years, but his five-year birther movement, arguing that Obama wasn’t American was clearly his KKK moment. And Melania, whose pathway to citizenship is questionable, defended his racism and believed Obama wasn’t born in this country. In 2011, she babbled to Joy Behar, “Do you want to see President Obama’s birth certificate or not? It’s not a birth certificate.” She added, “It’s not only Donald who wants to see [Obama’s birth certificate]. It’s American people who voted for him and who didn’t vote for him. They want to see that.” See below:

Melania is complicit in her husband’s hate and bullying, even  though she claims to be anti-bullying. She knew exactly what she was getting into when she married Trump (Isn’t that what Trump told the widow of Army Sgt. La David Johnson?) and she knows exactly what she is accepting as the First Lady. Furthermore, being that her husband is a racist, she wouldn’t fall far from that racist tree.


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Stormy Times: Here’s Why You Should Never Feel Sorry For Melania Trump  was originally published on